据 Lester Haines 于 2008.10.15 在 Theregister 生物专栏的文章 《Alien crustaceans clash claws in UK waterways - Signal crayfish battle Chinese mitten crabs for freshwater supremacy》 所示,科学家认为英国范围内的两个外来天性好斗的甲壳类动物——北美淡水蟹(signal crayfish) 和中国大闸蟹(Mitten Crab)--学名中华绒蝥蟹,将在英格兰南部的李河(River Lee),以及约克郡的欧塞河(River Ouse )和亚耳河(River Aire)遭遇。不下数百万只的中国河蟹,即将为争夺英国的水下统治权,与北美河蟹在大不列颠之河展开一场史诗般的决战。
北美河蟹于上世纪 1970 年代进入欧洲,中国河蟹的全面入侵则是在上世纪 1980 年代。北美河蟹的掠夺性,对英国本土的水生植物、水生无脊椎动物和鱼类造成了危险,甚至有可能导致英国本土的白爪小龙虾(white-clawed crayfish)面临灭绝。现在,北美河蟹的统治地位,即将遭到中国河蟹们的强有力挑战:
Alien crustaceans clash claws in UK waterways
Signal crayfish battle Chinese mitten crabs for freshwater supremacy
Scientists believe the UK ranges of two aggressive alien crustaceans - the North American signal crayfish and the Chinese mitten crab - are beginning to overlap, offering the prospect of an epic battle for supremacy over Britain's waterways.
The North American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is one of several species introduced into the UK for aquaculture in the 1970s, and which have since made themselves right at home.
The signal crayfish poses a particular threat to "native aquatic plants, invertebrates and fish through direct predation", but also carries the fungal disease crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci), which could ultimately wipe out our own white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes).
Clark admitted it was difficult to estimate the exact number of Chinese mitten crabs currently ravaging Britain's freshwater courses, but suspected it was "in the millions".
Ecologist Stephanie Peay, describing the immigrant crustaceans as "aquatic thugs", told the BBC: "The plague does not seem to harm the non-natives, but if our native white-clawed crayfish encounter it, they die within weeks."
Now, scientists are nervously awaiting the apparently inevitable clash of crustaceans when the two species finally meet. Current locations for a possible first encounter are southern England's River Lee and Yorkshire's River Ouse and River Aire.
北美淡水蟹是在1970年代引入英国,已经在此安家。由于其掠夺性对本地的水生植物、水生无脊椎动物和鱼类造成了危险。英国生态学家 Stephanie Peay 称这些外来的甲壳类动物为“水下暴徒”,称为了保护濒危动物白爪小龙虾,应该将其隔离开来,脱离外来的甲壳动物。现在北美淡水蟹对水下的统治遭到了另一种外来动物的挑战——中国大闸蟹,它们首次进入欧洲要追溯至1930年代,但直至1980年代才大规模的侵入欧洲。目前很难估计进入淡水流域的中国大闸蟹的数量,但可能是以数百万计。行进路线显示它们即将与北美淡水蟹相遇,科学家们正在紧张的等待无可避免的决战。它们第一次遭遇战可能的位置,是英格兰南部的李河(River Lee)和约克郡的欧塞河(River Ouse )和亚耳河(River Aire)。
中国河蟹 VS 北美河蟹,你认为谁胜谁负? 欢迎你点此发表评论猜测胜负。——我个人认为,中国河蟹有可能会胜出一筹,因为它们戴了三个表。:)
文中的图片,是找的 PS 后的河蟹图片。至于是不是大闸蟹(中华绒螯蟹),我就搞不清了,这玩意我最近一次吃还是七年前的事了。:)
1. 来自食品伙伴网( http://www.foodmate.net/4images/6/5/10496.html )的关于中华绒螯蟹图片:
2. 来自 wikipedia ( http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%A7%E9%97%B8%E8%9F%B9 ) 关于中华绒螯蟹的图片: