给生活在 三 鹿毒奶粉阴影下的父母们推荐 Freddie Aguilar 的一首歌:Anak Child

日期: 2008-09-28 00:17 | 联系我
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  程序员论坛小纤在英语角版块,推荐了一首菲律宾歌手 Freddie Aguilar 的 Anak Child。贴出来快一个月了,之前老早就看过此贴但没放心上。刚才在论坛进行周末扫版的时候,认真读了一下英文歌词,把Child 下载了细细一听,大受感动。

  Anak(在菲律宾语中 Child 之意)是一首菲律宾人引以为傲的歌曲,据说在菲律宾此歌仅次于国歌的地位。Anak - Child 诞生于上个世纪70年代三十年间,传唱世界的每个角落,先后衍生出20种语言的50多个翻唱版本。人们甚至根据这首歌的内容拍了一部同名的电影。

Freddie Aguilar 与他的 Anak - Child

  在中文网站上,我搜索到的介绍,大多是说,Anak - Child 的作者 Freddie Aguilar,曾经穷困潦倒,过着乞丐一样的生活。在他最困苦最潦倒的时候,他的孩子降临到了这个世上,他想将美好的生活、深沉的父爱,留给这个新生命;但他没有这样的能力,他很自责、难过和彷徨,留着泪写下了 Anak,告诉孩子他的爱。他带着这首歌参加 1978 年的马尼拉音乐节,踏上歌坛,一夕成名。其后又将 Anak 填上英语歌词,名为 Child

  不过,在 Wikipedia.org 上,我查到的关于 Anak 的创作灵感介绍,与中文网络介绍的,有点不一样:

Inspiration and Composition

Freddie Aguilar left family and school unfinished at the age of 18. His father, who had wanted him to be a lawyer, was disappointed. Freddie travelled to far-away places carrying with him, solely, his guitar. With no one to guide and discipline him, he got into gambling. Realizing and regretting his mistakes five years later, Freddie composed Anak, a remorse song expressing apology to his parents. He went back home and asked for forgiveness from his parents who welcomed him with open arms. After his father read the lyrics of Anak, the two became closer to each other. The homecoming proved timely as soon after, his father would pass away

  大意是指 Freddie Aguilar 在 18 岁的时候带着吉他离开学校,而他的父亲希望他成为一名律师。而他随后陷入赌博,浪费五年光阴。在认识到自己的错误之后,他写下这首歌,请求父母的原谅。从英文原版歌词的后半段来看,确实有表达忏悔的味道。

  不管 Anak Child 这首歌,是 Freddie Aguilar 是作为父亲为表达对孩子的爱所写,还是作为回头浪子向父母悔恨道歉所写,或者是两者兼而有之,这已经不重要了,重要的是,这首歌,唱出了天下父母的心声:孩子,就是天下父母的全部。正如歌词中所唱:“They'd die for you, if they must, to see you live”,如果有必要,他们甚至愿意为孩子,牺牲自己的生命。活在 三 鹿毒奶粉 阴影下的可怜天下父母们,在一天下来身心疲倦之余,听听这首歌吧:

Freddie Aguilar 演唱的 Anak - Child 英文版下载链接



Anak Child 的英文歌词以及中文直译

  Anak Child,作者:Freddie Aguilar, 1978

  When you were born into this world - 当你诞生到这个世上

  Your mom and dad saw a dream fulfilled - 你的父母实现了一个梦想

  A dream come true - 一个成真的美梦

  The answer to their prayers - 他们所有祈祷的回报


  You were to them a special child - 对他们来说,你是个特别的孩子

  Gave 'em joy every time you smiled - 每当你微笑,就带给他们欢乐

  Each time you cried - 而每当你哭泣

  They're at your side to care - 他们都会在你身边照顾你


  *Child, you don't know - 孩子,你不知道

  You'll never know how far they'd go - 你永远不会知道他们会付出多少

  To give you all their love can give - 来给你所有他们可以奉献的爱


  To see you through, and God it's true - 来看到你平安,而上帝,那是真的

  They'd die for you, if they must, to see you live - 他们会为你死,如果有必要,来让你活下去


  How many seasons came and went - 多少个季节来了又去了

  So many years have now been spent - 如今已经过了这麽多年

  For time ran fast - 因为时光匆匆流逝

  And now at last you're strong- 而今你终于已经壮大


  Now what has gotten over you - 可是你究竟在想什麽

  You seem to hate your parents too - 你还似乎憎恨着你的父母

  Do speak out your mind - 请大声说出你的想法

  Why do you find them wrong - 为什麽你觉得他们错了

  Child, you don't know - 孩子,你不知道

  You'll never know how far they'd go - 你永远不会知道他们会付出多少

  To give you all their love can give - 来给你所有他们可以奉献的爱


  To see you through, and God it's true - 来看到你平安,而上帝,那是真的

  They'd die for you, if they must, to see you live - 他们会为你死,如果有必要,来让你活下去


  And now your path has gone astray - 如今你的道路已经偏差

  Child, you ain't sure what to do or say - 孩子,你不知道该怎麽办

  You're so alone - 你好孤单

  No friends are on your side - 身边没有任何的朋友


  And child, you now break down in tears - 而孩子,你如今在哭泣中崩溃

  Let them drive away your fears- 让他们赶走你的恐惧

  Where must you go - 你还要到哪裡去

  Their arms stay open wide - 他们的臂膀永远为你敞开

关于 Anak Child 的中文粤语版本: 谭咏麟的“孩儿”





关于 Anak Child 的其他相关资料


第 1 楼  发表于 2008-10-05 12:32 | xjb 的所有评论

第 2 楼  发表于 2008-10-05 12:48 | xjb 的所有评论

第 3 楼  发表于 2008-10-14 09:32 | flashui 的所有评论

第 4 楼  发表于 2008-10-18 20:07 | blackr 的所有评论
Three 鹿毒 女乃 米分 这几个字会被屏蔽?
回复于 2008-10-19 16:03:

第 5 楼  发表于 2009-11-20 17:58 | sally Dy 的所有评论
I love this song very much .bec this song is amost popular in the philippines.他是我们菲国的娇傲。我以他为荣。and this is a very Education .teacher people how to be came a parents,and be came a father to teacher her children.

第 6 楼  发表于 2010-06-23 17:50 | sunny 的所有评论

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