本程序实现多级列表框(A Multi-Level CCheckListbox).作者 Brett R. Mitchell 的描述:
Recently, I was in the need of a control that allowed the users the ability to check multiple items in a CListbox type of fashion. I would of used the common MFC control CCheckListBox but I needed the items to be presented in a hierarchy and be totally customizable (font, colors, images, etc.) for each individual item. I also thought about using the MFC CTreeCtrl and do my own custom drawing but I really wanted the CListbox look and feel along without the ability to expand and collapse each item. So...here's my solution...
// Create the Control LISTITEM* pParentItem = NULL; m_pCheckList = new CCheckList(); if( !m_pCheckList->Create( CRect(50,50,300,300), this, 10001, IDB_CHECK, IDB_UNCHECK, IDB_MIDDLECHECK )) { return; } // Add some items // Root Item pParentItem = m_pCheckListStandard->AddString("Exotics"); // Sub Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Lamborghini", pParentItem ); // Sub Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Corvette", pParentItem ); // Sub Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Vector", pParentItem ); // Sub Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Hummer", pParentItem ); // Sub-Sub Item pParentItem = m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Porsche", pParentItem ); // Sub-Sub Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Boxster", pParentItem ); // Sub-Sub Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("928 S4", pParentItem); // Sub-Sub Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("959", pParentItem ); // Root Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Luxury"); // Root Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Trucks"); // Root Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Sport Utility Vehicles"); // Root Item m_ pCheckList ->AddString("Classics"); // Function uses // Get Total Count CString csMessage; csMessage.Format("There are a total of %d items", m_pCheckListStandard->GetCount() ); AfxMessageBox(csMessage); // Get and Set the top index csMessage.Format("The top index is: %d", m_pCheckListStandard->GetTopIndex() ); AfxMessageBox(csMessage); m_pCheckListStandard->SetTopIndex(6); // Different ways to get an item LISTITEM* pItem = m_pCheckListStandard->GetItem( m_pCheckListStandard->GetTopIndex()); AfxMessageBox(pItem->csText); pItem = m_pCheckList->GetItem((DWORD)5000); AfxMessageBox(pItem->csText); // Get and Set the Item data DWORD dwID = m_pCheckListStandard->GetItemData( m_pCheckListStandard->GetTopIndex()); csMessage.Format("The Data for this item is: %ld", dwID ); AfxMessageBox(csMessage); m_pCheckListStandard->SetItemData(6, 2000); // Get the text and text length CString csText; m_pCheckListStandard->GetText( 6, &csText ); int nTemp = m_pCheckListStandard->GetTextLen( 7 ); // Get and set the current selection m_pCheckListStandard->SetCurSel(6); nTemp = m_pCheckListStandard->GetCurSel(); // Get and Set Checks m_pCheckListStandard->SetCheck(6, CHECKED); nTemp = m_pCheckListStandard->GetCheck(6); // Remove one item and all its subitems (if it has them) m_pCheckListStandard->DeleteString(6); // Delete eveything m_pCheckListStandard->ResetContent();