26.14 TEST instruction (PPlain and PMMX)

日期: 2000-04-02 15:00 | 联系我
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26.14 TEST instruction (PPlain and PMMX)

The TEST instruction with an immediate operand is only pairable if the destination is AL, AX, or EAX.

TEST register,register and TEST register,memory is always pairable.


TEST ECX,ECX ; pairable TEST [mem],EBX ; pairable TEST EDX,256 ; not pairable TEST DWORD PTR [EBX],8000H ; not pairable

To make it pairable, use any of the following methods:

MOV EAX,[EBX] / TEST EAX,8000H MOV EDX,[EBX] / AND EDX,8000H MOV AL,[EBX+1] / TEST AL,80H MOV AL,[EBX+1] / TEST AL,AL ; (result in sign flag)(The reason for this non-pairability is probably that the first byte of the 2-byte instruction is the same as for some other non-pairable instructions, and the processor cannot afford to check the second byte too when determining pairability.)

标签: MMX 优化 | TEST


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